
why is it when you want me to change

I do it or I’m punished

When I ask YOU to change

you act like it is a punishment

“At least I don’t hit you.”

(Not yet)

What are you saying?

what are you NOT saying?

is that a threat IS THAT A THREAT

I’m not sensitive… maybe I am, but what’s wrong with this?

Why am I always apologizing?

How can I not act DEFENSIVE when you attack me like this?

I just want this specific need met

why won’t you meet my needs why don’t you need me

You never really liked me

I finally realized

“I could work with that.”

meant you were never interested in me or what I had to offer

but YOUR idea of me

I didn’t exist until you brought me into being

into being your mirror

too bad you didn’t like what you saw

when I fought back you lost control

you grabbed me by the ******

I was there, but none of it was my story

I’m writing my own story now

Despite the harm, I learned much from you

(that is not a thank you)

#poetry #wordpress #happinessinavacuum #PTSD #assault #story #emotionalabuse #fair #notfair #gaslighting #sensitive #divorced2015

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