
why is it when you want me to change

I do it or I’m punished

When I ask YOU to change

you act like it is a punishment

“At least I don’t hit you.”

(Not yet)

What are you saying?

what are you NOT saying?

is that a threat IS THAT A THREAT

I’m not sensitive… maybe I am, but what’s wrong with this?

Why am I always apologizing?

How can I not act DEFENSIVE when you attack me like this?

I just want this specific need met

why won’t you meet my needs why don’t you need me

You never really liked me

I finally realized

“I could work with that.”

meant you were never interested in me or what I had to offer

but YOUR idea of me

I didn’t exist until you brought me into being

into being your mirror

too bad you didn’t like what you saw

when I fought back you lost control

you grabbed me by the ******

I was there, but none of it was my story

I’m writing my own story now

Despite the harm, I learned much from you

(that is not a thank you)

#poetry #wordpress #happinessinavacuum #PTSD #assault #story #emotionalabuse #fair #notfair #gaslighting #sensitive #divorced2015

DT- Two in one Blow

Trigger Warning: themes of sexual assault

Once upon a time, I was sexually assaulted by two men in the same night (in the same house). It was the nineties, and I had internalized the idea that I was asking for it: getting drunk and flirting with men, initially responding, wearing something sexy (jeans and a tee shirt? Okay).

I had this friend growing up (who is still a ride-or-die) who had this talent for being invited to amazing parties and knowing just the right people in the right places. We had (and still have) some stellar adventures. This time, she was dating someone who was a sushi chef at a posh place, so of course we showed up for free sushi and literally all the sake we could drink. Later on, we met at the dude’s place, which he shared with a co-worker. When I was young, I didn’t know any other way of relating to men than to flirt with them. It really doesn’t matter whether it was intentional or not, I was not asking for what happened later.

We had some more drinks at their place, of course, and probably played strip poker or truth or dare, or some other “drinking game” designed to get one naked and vulnerable. Eventually, my friend and her bf went to his bedroom and I was left alone (also half-naked and drunk) with the roommate. The details are fuzzy here. I assume he made advances, which I politely (or not so politely) declined. I ended up going to her boyfriend’s room. The general consensus re: the roommate was, “he’s drunk, he’ll feel terrible about this in the morning.” We all went to sleep in his big bed. What seemed like minutes later, I woke up to the bf kissing and touching me. My body had responded before I was completely awake, but when I realized what was happening, I told him to stop, which he did. My friend was asleep, he asked me not to tell her. I went to go sleep on the couch. I woke up to the roommate touching me… Again!

As drunk as I still was, I felt tremendously unsafe in this place. My fight or flight response kicked in and I had to go home. I was a good thirty minute drive from my home and I had to cover one eye so I could see. I don’t know how I didn’t harm someone else or myself, or get pulled over that night.

I told my friend about what happened. She believed me, but there was nothing else to do. Her relationship with that guy eventually fizzled, so I never saw the roommate again. I can’t even remember his name. But what I recall most from this incident is that BOTH men in this story felt entitled to take what they wanted from me. Both women in the story felt powerless to do anything about it. This was during the Clinton administration. Our own president came all over somebody’s dress and then denied having sex with that woman. That woman was demonized and made fun of, every part of her personal life trotted out for all the world to see, while the perpetrator of this abuse of power came off relatively unscathed. His wife continued to support him because being a divorced politician is somehow worse than allowing a man to suffer consequences for his actions.

Things have gotten better since #metoo and some people are facing consequences for decades of manipulative sexual behavior. But the system that allowed the good-ole-boys-club to close ranks and protect each other still controls us.

Will I ever be able to live free?

#sexualassault #manipulation #privilege #maleprivilege #consequences #drunk #naked #safe #recovery #believethevictim

DT- the library

During the times in my life when I felt the most vulnerable, libraries were a place for me to hide out and escape. Our mom took my sister and I to the library as long as I can remember. We regularly checked out new books and participated in community events and children’s theatre. Librarians were helpful people who, with a little information, could point me to exactly where I wanted to go. I specifically remember being in a Halowe’en play where I played a witch and my sister was a black cat. We danced to Monster Mash at the end of the show. I adored the reading spaces in the children’s library- everything was my size. The walls were painted with colorful murals of popular characters.

Twenty years ago, I used the library to check out books on CD that I could (at the time) listen to in my car. I now have an app that I use to check out virtual books, movies, and TV shows on my cell phone. I don’t have to go to the library at all, except to use the printer and scanner there; it’s not cheaper than going to one of the major office stores, but I feel better about supporting the library when I need these services. It’s also a place of quiet, which seems like something difficult to find sometimes. It’s a place to discover new stories or peruse a pop-up community art exhibit.

Eight years ago this summer, I used a library to escape my abuser. I didn’t have any personal spaces in our home, as he had systematically taken away all my privacy. He didn’t like libraries, he was offended by the smell of books. The library was just half a block up the hill, so I didn’t need to ask for a ride. He wasn’t interested, so I would go any time I needed some time to myself. Because I wasn’t being watched, I felt comfortable making the plans I needed for my escape. I used the free internet at the library to contact my people for support and to purchase the tickets home. I spent hours at the Withers Library, sometimes reading magazines or drawing pictures in my notebook, but always feeling more myself than I had in years. I was surrounded by books and people who also liked books. People whom I was not even obligated to speak to, or give my attention to. I had a favorite chair, and sulked when someone beat me to it. At times, I would read and re-read the positive messages painted on the wall.

Thank you, libraries, librarians, and all lovers of books and stories. Thank you, mom, for taking us to the library when we were so little, I learned how to read before I went to school.

#happinessinavacuum #wordpress #story #library #books #art #nonfiction #abuser #recovery #privacy